Friday, August 31, 2007

Type 1 and 2 writes

Today, During class we went outside and looked for thing that related to our health. With this we made lists under 5 catagories, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. When we saw something, we would pick what catagorie it would fall under. Under physical i found that the sun can cause catoracs, you can have allergies to things like bees, polin, ect. when you play sports it can get you in shape, or on places that say no vehicles, they say it beacuse it will be safer for pedestrians. All these things can be classified under physical things. The next catagorie that i found things under was social, i found out that litering is a social thing because it can hurt others around you weather its animals or people. Sports is another thing that counts as social because you interact with with other people. The next catagorie is mental when you are givin a time limit to get somewhere it is mental because you have to think bout how long it will take you to get to that place. Sport is a mental thing because again you have to think about what you have to do weather its make a goal or were you need to be.Stress is another one that can have an impact on you mental state, it could make you feel down in the dumps or if you are givin good stress it might pump you up for a game. Another catagorie is emotional when it comes to emotional you will have stress, sports give you feelings from winning or losing, and vandalism can be emotional because it effects the people that have had it happened to them. The last catagorie is spiritual. The setting out side might be spiritual or the condition of the weather that you are playing in can be also. If you notice, all the catagories have sports in them that means that sports have big impact on you health. Stress is another on that has a big impact on you health i can be good but it can also be bad thing. This is all the things that we did in class today!

1 comment:

Jack Cohun said...

I like your post and your blog site is great.